Silver IT
Making Computers Fun Again

๐Ÿค Privacy Policy

We care about speed and privacy on this website, which is why we don't have any trackers, telemetry, or analytics (third-party or otherwise). You can audit this by checking the source code of any page on the site. The server-side code is open-source too and available for review on our Gitea: slvit/www.

This site is statically-generated and uses minimal javascript. When javascript is used, it's usually auditable, open-source code that we wrote. The only js libraries we import are Stripe's SDK and the ultra-tiny KnockoutJS. These are only imported on pages that require them. For example, if you place an order with cryptocurrency, Stripe's SDK will not be loaded.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to run an ecommerce site without storing some data on your computer (the contents of your cart) collecting some data on our server (we need to know where to ship it) and sending some data to a third party (our payment processor if you pay with a credit/debit card). These three forms of data storage/sharing are outlined in more detail below.

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Data stored in your browser

We use the localStorage standard to store data in your browser. This is a web standard similar to cookies: it lets us keep data in your browser so we can restore your state when you leave and return to the site. These data are controlled by you and are as secure as your computer. These data are not sent to us or any third-party (yet).

Here is a raw dump of the current state of all localStorage data our website has stored in your browser. localStorage data for any website can usually be viewed somewhere in your browser's UI.


These data are usually cleared when you clear your browser's cache or site data. If you would like to clear all the data from this site, you can also click the button below. This won't give you a huge privacy advantage since we don't have access to these data anyway; they are stored on your own device. We could theoretically use these data to keep track of your visits to our site... but we don't participate in such petty metrics. You don't have to trust us though; you are welcome to wipe your localStorage anytime using this button.

๐Ÿข Data stored in our server

Data stored on our server is stored securely and accessed only by employees. However, U.S. law provides agencies the right to obtain a search warrant and subpoena us for these data. We comply with all U.S. laws, but provide some protection to our users by providing a warren canary.

Generally speaking, we collect as little data as possible. Here is a complete list of all data we collect and store:

๐Ÿ“œ Server logs

Every time you visit a page on our website, our server keeps a log of:

(To view your IP and user agent, you can visit

These logs are periodically rotated and deleted at our discretion. We only keep this information to:

This means we don't review these data or perform any analysis on them unless something goes wrong.

๐Ÿงพ Order information

When you place an order in our shop, we collect information on the order in our server and use this data to:

These order data may include:

๐Ÿ’ณ Data shared with third parties

None of the data listed on this page so far are shared with any third-party until you load the USD credit/debit card checkout page. At that point, stripe's SDK loads. With their library loaded, they are able to collect quite a bit of data about you, though that doesn't mean they do. An incomplete list of data stripe might collect includes:

(To view your IP and user agent, you can visit

When you create an order, the following additional data is sent to stripe. These data may change as Stripe changes their policies, so this list may be incomplete or outdated. For the latest information, consult their privacy policy.

When you execute the payment, the following additional data is sent to stripe. These data may change as Stripe changes their policies, and they might send more data collected from your browser which is hard for us to track. For the latest and most accurate information, consult their privacy policy.

IMPORTANT! By making credit/debit card payments on this website, you agree to Stripe's End User Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

๐Ÿฆ Warrant canary

Here is a copy of our latest warrant canary.


Hash: SHA512

Antonito, CO

San Luis Valley IT Co. confirms that all customer data stored on its servers are safe.  As far as we know, there have been no data breaches.  We have not been issued any search warrents, subpoenas, or similar from any agencies. 

Here is a recent article to prove this statement was not pre-generated:
	Ars Technica: Get ready to meet the Chat GPT clones [2023-03-11]

This canary is signed with ki9's pgp key, available here:
	Fingerprint: 8C72 530E BC14 E5D1 D0E9  9F24 DF77 3B3F 4A88 DA86
